Registration for this year's Xtrem Triathlon and Half Triathlon will be by draw. Registration for the draw will open on Wednesday, October 23 at 12:00 pm.
How does it work?
1️⃣ Triathletes wishing to take part in the Xtrem Triathlon or Half Triathlon must first register for the free draw, which opens on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 12:00 pm.
2️⃣ Registration for the draw closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday November 13, 2024.
3️⃣ The results of the draw will be announced by e-mail on Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
4️⃣ Triathletes selected at random will have until November 27, 2024 to complete their registration. After this deadline, the race number will be allocated to another participant in the random draw.
Xtrem is open to all, licensed and unlicensed.
Non-licensed members must present a medical certificate stating that they are not contraindicated to practice :
- of competitive triathlon less than one year old on the day of the event,
- of competitive sport less than one year old on the day of the event,
- competitive swimming, cycling and running certificates less than one year old on the day of the event.
The Xtrem Triathlon is open to anyone aged 20 or over in the calendar year (born in 2005 or later).
The race is individual and cannot be shared with others.
However, you can still take part in the club challenge: find out more.
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Opening of the partners' village and withdrawal of race numbers at the lake esplanade in Saint-Jorioz
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Opening of the transition park (St Jorioz beach) - Bikes must be dropped off before 6:00 pm
18:30 General briefing compulsory event at the esplanade of the lake in Saint-Jorioz
19h00 - 20h30 Pasta Party at the esplanade of the lake in Saint-Jorioz
03:30 - 04:15 Opening of the Bike Park - Transition: no bike drop-off in the morning. Access only for verification
From 04:00 AM Boarding of the participants on the boats
05h00 Arrival of the boats on the starting line and launching of the participants
05h30 Start of the race
16:30 Estimated arrival of the 1st at the summit
5:30 pm The "Tournant" closes the possibility to climb the Semnoz
00h00 Stopwatch
7:00 pm - 12:30 am Opening of the transition park to collect personal belongings and supply bags
9:00 am - 11:00 am Bag pick-up at the UCPA-Consignes building
12:30 pm Meal and prize-giving at the esplanade of the lake in Saint-Jorioz
For the collection of the numbers, an identity document must be presented. A person, even from another club, can collect the number in your place, provided that you show your identity card and that of the competitor.
Pick up your race number on Friday June 6, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Esplanade du Lac in Saint-Jorioz.
A swimming cap is provided by the organizer (compulsory), 1 number bib, 1 numbered plate with stickers (bike, helmet, etc.), 3 bags for gear (boat and personal supplies bike and run), and 2 transition boxes are provided by the organizer for storage of race gear. A transponder will be provided and must be returned at the finish.
If lost or not returned, you will be charged 80€. Transition boxes must be returned to UCPA and will be charged €20 if not returned.
Swimming: Goggles, neoprene suit (see previous point), cap and nose clip.
Bicycle: A bicycle powered solely by the legs (lower muscular chain) in a circular motion using a crankset without electric or other assistance. Equipment may be checked. Telephones may be used on the bike, but only for GPS or emergency purposes, and never to be called.
Running: Hydration vests are permitted.
Swimming: If the water temperature is below 16°C on the day of the event, the wearing of a swimming suit will be mandatory.
Bicycle: The wearing of a hard shell helmet with the chinstrap adjusted and fastened is compulsory as soon as the bicycle is in hand.
Running: Headlamps must be worn from 8:00 p.m. onwards, regardless of the final running course.
Each participant must have his own cup for the refreshments. No cups will be distributed.
Swimming: If the water temperature exceeds 24.5°C, wetsuits are not allowed.
Bicycles: Electric-assist pedals and headphones are prohibited. Equipment may be inspected.
Running: Headphones and poles are forbidden on all final running courses. This also applies to the companion on the final climb.
Go to the Xtrem Triathlon page by clicking just here.
Go to the tab courses and profiles and find the details of each event.
Yes, the organization allows personal refreshments:
For the bike:
KM 105 Lescheraines - 1st passage - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 158 Lescheraines - 2nd passage - Solid + liquid + personnel
For the run, the personal refreshment box will be located at the UCPA refreshment station. You will be able to access it at the end of each running loop. This one is located 350m before the turn.
KM 8 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 16.4 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 24.8 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 42 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 8 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 16.4 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 24.8 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 33.2 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
KM 42 UCPA - Solid + liquid + personnel
You are responsible for depositing the T1 box on the morning of the race in zone T1 between 3:30 and 4:00 on Saturdays.
You are responsible for depositing the T2 crate on Friday evening or Saturday morning in the T2 zone:
- between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Fridays
- between 3:30 and 4:00 on Saturday
You can drop off your personal Bike/Vélo and CAP bags on Friday evening or Saturday morning at the UCPA-Consignes building:
- between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Fridays
- between 3:30 and 4:00 on Saturday
You can change on board. You can collect your belongings on arrival.
Water, energy products, soft drinks (Coca Cola type)
Fresh fruit (oranges, bananas, apples) and dried fruit (apricots, grapes, prunes)
Energy products: bars and gels
Various sweet products: Breton bars, chocolate, gingerbread
Savory: Tome des Bauges, sausage, chips / tuc
The race is done alone, an exception applies on the final climb of Semnoz:
The accompanying person is authorized for the final ascent to the Semnoz but not mandatory. He/she must be designated at the time of registration and provide the following information: name, first name, date of birth (min. 20 years old), phone number, email, medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of running in competition or FFTRI competition license. The designated accompanying person will be identified by a bib accompanying the athlete
the athlete he/she will follow.
The accompanying person is not allowed to run in front of the participant in competition, only to the side or behind without providing physical assistance. The accompanying person is present for the safety of the athlete and must be physically able to perform the event.
The accompanying person is not authorized to supply the participant in competition. He is only present for moral support and the safety of his athlete.
The accompanying person must not carry the athlete's compulsory equipment under any circumstances.
Time limits are in place. They will be respected in the interest of all and
especially for the health and safety of the participants. The schedules are as follows:
07:30: Swimming disqualified - after this time, participants will not be allowed to cycle on the course.
1:30 pm: Bicycle disqualification at Lescheraines (km 105) - after this time, participants must return directly to St Jorioz without completing the 2nd loop.
6:00 pm: Disqualification on arrival of the bike - after this time, participants will not be allowed to start the run.
22:45: Disqualification from the lake running loop - after this time, participants will not be allowed to start on a new loop.
00:00: Stopwatch - after this time, the finish line will be closed and participants will have to stop their effort.
Participants who arrive after the time limit will have to hand in their number to the race marshal and will be considered out of the race from that point on. They will have to reach the finish line by their own means.
Participants crossing the line of the 25th km run, known as the "Tournant", before 5.30pm (12hrs of running) will continue their race by climbing the Semnoz, where the "Sommet" finish will be located, and will become a "Top finisher".
Competitors must leave Saint-Jorioz in the direction of the cape course no later than 10 minutes after ringing the bell.
If not, the competitors will continue with their running course on the lake loops to cross the "Lake" finish line before 00h00 (stopwatch) to be "Lake Finisher".
If a competitor who has crossed the line before 5.30 pm does not wish to continue by the Ascension, a penalty will be applied to him (penalty corresponding to the time between the time he decides to continue without going up to the Semnoz and the time of the closing of the Tournant, i.e. 5.30 pm).
On the other hand, competitors who arrive at the Tournant after 5:30 pm will not be allowed to climb the mountain and will be disqualified. The return from the " Sommet " finish line can be made by an organization vehicle. Shuttles will be available to take you from the Semnoz summit to the Saint Jorioz finish area, depending on the arrival of the participants.
Yes, it is forbidden to take shelter behind or beside a competitor or any other vehicle. Overtaking must be completed within 25 seconds. Stewards and organizers will be extremely vigilant and will issue a blue card to any competitor who fails to comply with this rule. This requires a penalty box (5 minutes) during the run. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. The Penalty Box will be located close to the "Lac" finish area on the Esplanade.
The competitors who have crossed the "Top" finish line will be ranked first, according to their finish time. The competitors who have crossed the "Lake" line will then be ranked in order of arrival, even if their time is less than some of the "Top" finishers. There will be only one ranking, the last one to reach the "Top" preceding the first one to reach the "Lake".
Yes, but be careful, the prizes will only be given to the "Top Finishers", a competitor finishing in the top 5 and not reaching the finish at the top of Semnoz cannot be rewarded. In case of absence at the ceremony, on Sunday June 4th from 12:00, the prizes will be lost as well.
1st Man: 3 000 € Woman: 3 000 €
2nd Man: 1 500 € Woman: 1 500 €
3rd Man: 1 000 € Woman: 1 000 €
4th Man 800 Woman : € 800
5th Man: 500 € Woman: 500 €
Yes, a club ranking will be proposed in 2024!
To participate, you must register your club viale group module when you register.
This ranking will be done by accumulating the points of the club members according to their event and the place of their arrival for the Xtrem (Top or lake). Below the detail of the points by participants:
Xtrem top finisher = 226 + 100 points
Finisher Xtrem Lake = 226 points
Finisher Half = 118 points
Xperience = 36 points
The first 3 clubs will be rewarded at the beginning of the awards ceremony on Sunday.
The categories rewarded at the ceremony are as follows:
- The top 5 men in the overall ranking
- The top 5 women in the overall ranking
- The top 3 in each age category.
Prizes will be forfeited in the event of absence from the ceremony.

You will find the results on our website after your race.
Official photos of each event will be published after the event.
The organization offers cancellation insurance via the BETICKETING module. This insurance must be taken out at the time of registration and cannot be taken out at a later date. In the event of unforeseen circumstances on your part, your race number will be reimbursed at 80% of its value within a maximum of 72 hours after the event. We insure against all unforeseeable and sudden causes, and may ask you to provide proof that your claim is well-founded.