All the news

Thanks to the 350 AlpsMan volunteers

Recognize them?

On the paddles, at the roadside, at the bib withdrawal, at the refreshment stand, at the medal ceremony... our volunteers were once again exceptional 💙

Many thanks to you, the 350 AlpsMan volunteers, for your unfailing loyalty and dedication. You have made this weekend an unforgettable one, which could never have taken place without your help 🙌

Xtrem Triathlon 2024: Canal+ Sport summary

The Canal+ Sport summary is available.

Podcast AlpsMan X Les Frappés

We are pleased to announce the release of 4 podcast episodes on the AlpsMan, produced in collaboration with "Les Frappés".


Want a souvenir of your race? 🏊🏃🚴‍♂️ Get your official photo from your race, which you can find thanks to your bib number.🤩